Are you looking to apply for or renew your Assessment Practising Certificate (APC)?
Renew or gain an Assessment Practising Certificate (APC)
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is essential for specialist teachers, assessors, and practitioners; it helps you to stay at the forefront of information in the field by updating your knowledge and professional practice. We have recently updated our Applying for and Renewing an Assessment Practising Certificate DAAPCONL online course, suitable for those looking to renew or gain an Assessment Practising Certificate (APC). The course will detail new developments in diagnostic reporting and include materials and guidance based on the new SASC report format (mandatory from Summer 2020).
What are the benefits of applying for an Assessment Practising Certificate (APC)?
An APC is a licence to practice for those carrying out assessments in schools for Exam Access Arrangements and in colleges for the Disabled Students’ Allowance. Many schools and college employers also now require their specialist teaching or support staff to obtain an APC.
Who can apply for this course?
Candidates should normally be qualified specialist assessors with a Level 7 Postgraduate Diploma or equivalent, and be familiar with diagnostic assessment report writing. Eligible and current guild members can save £10 on the course fee.
Why study with Dyslexia Action Training?
Dyslexia Action Training is a SASC Authorised CPD Provider. Twelve learning hours, of which five hours of the total learning hours for this course are recognized and accredited by SASC as fulfilling, in part, the (minimum) 20 CPD hours required over three years that contribute towards gaining or renewing an APC.
When and how can I apply for this course?
Our next intake is 20 November 2019 (register before 6 November) and other dates include January, March and May 2020.
£205 +VAT for Non-Guild Members paying online by debit/credit card at the time of registration.
£195 +VAT for Guild Members paying online by debit/credit card at the time of registration.
To apply for the course, please complete an online booking form on our website here.
Amnesty/Grand-parenting route from March 2019 – March 2020 only
For a limited period qualified and practising specialist teacher assessors with a full level 7 qualification in assessment (e.g. the Professional Certificate in Assessment Practice (Middlesex University) or the Postgraduate Diploma in Dyslexia and Literacy (York) who have not previously applied for, or held, an Assessment Practising Certificate will be able to obtain an APC by completing an application form and uploading a copy of their qualification certificate. The fee is £180 and includes the SASC listing fee of £30 see here Assessment Practising Certificate – APC read our brochure under ‘Download further information’ and apply directly under ‘How much does it cost and how to apply?’
I already hold an Assessment Practising Certificate (APC), do you offer other courses for SpLD Specialist Teachers or Assessors?
Dyslexia Action Training and Real Training offer a range of courses for qualified SpLD specialist teacher assessors to update their knowledge and skills in specialist assessment for SpLD. A list of all the qualifications we offer for specialist SpLD teachers and assessors can be found here.
Should you need any further information regarding our CPD Level 7 Courses for SpLD professionals do give us a call on 01784 222304 or email us at