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Exciting news about Dyslexia Action’s validated Postgraduate Programme!

Dyslexia ActionDyslexia Action Training are delighted to announce the launch of their validated Master of Education: Professional Practice in Dyslexia and Literacy and its related programmes.

This online distance learning programme was developed and is delivered and assessed, by Dyslexia Action Training.

Dyslexia Action’s validated Postgraduate Programme is awarded and quality assured by Middlesex University. The Postgraduate Certificate and Diploma programmes are also recognised by several professional SpLD membership bodies for accredited specialist teacher/practitioner/assessor status (subject to approval).

Our next cohort starts in April 2022. Read more here.

How is Dyslexia Action’s validated Postgraduate Programme delivered?

The MEd Professional Practice programmes use the VLE Moodle and will allow candidates to benefit from expert tutor support through forums and connect with their peers.

Learn whilst you study, with our practice-led approach helping embed your new theoretical knowledge in your real-world circumstances. Some of the six-month modules may also require you to be involved in practical teaching and assessment whilst others are more theoretically based.

The core curriculum is delivered by means of a range of e-learning resources. These include presentations, articles, exercises, videos and follow-up activities and tasks for participants to carry out at intervals.

There is no attendance required for this course or expectations to be online at specific times for ‘live’ learning. This gives candidates the flexibility to organise their study time around professional and personal commitments.

Other benefits

Exclusive access to the Dyslexia Action Literacy Programme (DALP), a comprehensive specialist literacy programme for SpLD Specialist Teachers.  DALP provides a pathway for learners with literacy difficulties of all ages, through individual placement identification

Candidates will automatically become student members of The Dyslexia Guild for the first year of their course while they are actively studying on a Professional Certificate or Diploma Programme with Dyslexia Action.

Would you like to become a member of the Dyslexia Guild?  Join now to attend at the member rate. Full details can be found here.

Celebrating Dyslexia Awareness Week – How to start your journey towards gaining professional membership

gaining professional membership

Celebrating Dyslexia Awareness Week is an amazing opportunity for us to continue to promote conversations, information and research for those whose interest is to help support learners with dyslexia and other literacy difficulties. As part of Dyslexia Awareness Week, our sister company Dyslexia Action Training has put together some information for professionals who have an interest in Dyslexia and SpLD training or becoming part of a professional body. The full article is available to read here

Four Key Facts About The Dyslexia Guild 

There are many SpLD membership organisations including The Dyslexia Guild, the British Dyslexia Association, PATOSS and ADSHe.  All have the same goal but can offer different benefits.

  1. Established in 1994, The Dyslexia Guild is a network of SpLD professionals who are keen to maintain contact and further their specialist teaching, assessment and support for those with dyslexia and other literacy difficulties. The Dyslexia Guild aims to promote discussion, information and research as well as keeping members informed of developments in the field through publication and distribution.
  2. Our members. Professional members include primary and secondary teachers, SENCOs and teaching assistants as well as Further and Higher Education support tutors and advisory specialists. Our network is also highly relevant to dyslexia and specific learning disability assessors, librarians and other specialists through Affiliate membership.
  3. Membership Benefits.  Gaining professional membership with The Dyslexia Guild allows its members to access a wealth of benefits to its members including access to a range of publications available through our unique online librarymembership journal, and e-newsletter, discounted professional development, and online forums. Members benefit from post-nominals as well as the unique heritage of this specialist professional body. 
  4. Join Today. The Dyslexia Guild provides a wealth of benefits to its members including online forums, a vibrant annual conference and a range of publications available through our unique online library, membership journal, and e-newsletter. Members benefit from post-nominals as well as the unique heritage of this specialist professional organisation, If you are not a member but you are considering starting your journey towards gaining professional membership, you can join the Guild here.

Resources to help support reading skills during 2021 World Book Day

Support reading skills during 2021 World Book Day

support reading skills

The recent and ongoing pandemic has changed the way we currently teach our children. It has often been challenging for parents and teachers to consistently provide suitable educational resources to help pupils continue to develop their skills. Recent articles and resources shared by education professionals highlight the importance of supporting pupils’ wellbeing during this unprecedented time. Focusing on educational resources that can help support reading skills and implementing strategies that encourage children to read for pleasure at home has been crucial. 

A recent survey by the National Literacy Trust found that 59.3% of children and young people told us during the first lockdown that reading makes them feel better. This survey shows that today, on World Book Day, it has never been more important to celebrate the love of books and reading with children and young people.  

What is World Book Day? 

Launched by UNESCO in 1995, World Book Day was created as a worldwide celebration of books and reading. It is marked in over 100 countries around the globe. The first World Book Day in the UK and Ireland took place in 1997 to encourage young people to discover the pleasure of reading. This event aims to promote books and reading skills in educational establishments by letting children wear a fancy dress of a character that inspires them. This year, over 15 million £1 World Book Day book tokens will be distributed to children and young people around the country via their schools. Other activities include the possibility of attending live virtual events and online masterclasses.

Find out more about how Dyslexia Action Training courses can help support reading skills

Dyslexia Action is a leading provider of specialist SpLD teacher/practitioner training and specialist SpLD teacher/practitioner assessor training. We offer a range of pathways to achieve specialist teacher/practitioner assessor accredited status. Our courses are designed to strengthen the expertise and confidence of teachers, SENCOs, practitioners, teaching assistants, learning support staff, language therapists, tutors, and lecturers who support students with literacy difficulties, dyslexia, and other specific learning difficulties (SpLD).

me useful links to our main areas of training where you will find details for our courses and useful syllabus brochures for each course:

The Dyslexia Guild

You may also be interested in membership in The Dyslexia Guild. This membership organisation is open to those with a general interest in dyslexia and specific learning difficulties and is a SASC APC awarding body

Access professional resources, support forums, and advice, membership also includes free access to our specialist library/National Dyslexia Resource Centre.  

Membership also offers many other benefits including designatory letters and listing in our professional directory.

The Dyslexia Action Shop

You may have noticed that the Dyslexia Action Shop has many new and popular psychological assessments and resources available.  

As a result of continuing surveys and discussions with customers, the shop team is pleased to announce that the ART3ED-Product Range, Access Reading Tests, Third Edition can now be purchased via the Shop website.

Real Group and The National Tutoring Programme

One way that we are currently able to support literacy skills is by being part of the National Tutoring Programme, as lead partners in the Professional Tutoring Partnership. We are the only provider with all tutors being specialist teachers. Visit the website to learn more about our SpLD-specialist tutoring provision, available nationwide and subsidised by the NTP.

Professional Tutoring Partnership appointed to deliver tutoring for the National Tutoring Programme

Professional Tutoring Partnership

The Professional Tutoring Partnership (PTP) has been appointed to deliver dedicated tuition to over 4,500 disadvantaged children. This partnership brings together extensive experience in the education of pupils with special educational needs. The Professional Tutoring Partnership is run by Real Group Ltd in collaboration with PatossBritish Dyslexia AssociationDyslexia ActionThe Dyslexia Guild and Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity. It will work alongside 31 other organisations to offer tutoring (subsidised by 75 per cent), as well as training, support and mentoring to tutors themselves, to schools across England.

We are delighted to be centrally involved in this exciting and important initiative.

More info…

National Tutoring Programme (NTP) Update

National Tutoring Programme (NTP)
The National Tutoring Programme (NTP) is a new large £350m DfE programme which is being organised through a collaboration of five charities – the Education Endowment Foundation, Sutton Trust, Impetus, Nesta and Teach First.
The NTP will soon be appointing 50 organisations to offer tutoring to schools beginning on the 1st of November. The NTP aims to support teachers and schools in providing a sustained response to the coronavirus pandemic and to provide a longer-term contribution to closing the attainment gap. Participating schools will be able to decide which of their pupils will most benefit from additional support, and which type of support is more suitable.
Schools will choose a Tuition Partner to work with and identify students requiring tutoring. 
Over the past few weeks we [The Dyslexia Guild, British Dyslexia Association (BDA), Patoss and Helen Arkell] have been meeting with the new National Tutoring Programme to help us understand their objectives and explore how we might contribute. It is clear that whilst they also want to help support young people who may have fallen behind academically they are also hoping to use this significant initiative to evaluate and build the evidence base about what time of tutoring and individual and small group teaching is most effective. 
We have, therefore, come to see this as an opportunity to demonstrate the positive difference our members can make to the attainment of children and young people. It is also a positive response to the crisis and will help ensure the children that need our support most will receive it. 
The Dyslexia Guild, BDA, Patoss, and Helen Arkell are concurrently asking all their members whether there is interest in us jointly bidding to become one of the approved tutoring organisations. 
Please note that it will not be possible to access the NTP funds without being formally linked to an approved organisation – also referred to as a Tuition Partner. 
Before we commit to bidding we would like to garner the interest of members in taking part in this initiative as tutors. Please note that the current thinking is that tutors would be engaged on a self-employed basis.
If you are listed on our websites as providing tuition please be aware that you may also be contacted by other tutoring organisations who are bidding for this work.
At this stage we would like you to please express an interest and to say how many tutoring hours in principle you could offer each week. We will not hold you to this response! It is however important for us to know that there is significant interest before we prepare a bid.
Further details and links can be found on our members website.

National Tutoring Programme (NTP)

National Tutoring Programme (NTP)

Qualified specialist teachers may be interested to learn more about the initiative to set up the National Tutoring Programme (NTP) as part of the Government’s response to the effects of the recent pandemic.

A joint group of providers including The Dyslexia Guild have written to the Secretary of State for Education indicating that they wish to support the NTP by offering access to their joint resources of professionally qualified and experienced specialist teachers and assessors of learners with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD). Read more

Our new free toolkit is now available to Guild members

new free toolkit

It is now possible for our members to access our new free toolkit.

We are pleased to launch our free toolkit which was mentioned in the May 2020 version of our Guild Gallery newsletter.

The toolkit is only available to Dyslexia Guild members’ and is suitable for those supporting adults. The materials will also be relevant to practitioners working with children with literacy difficulties as many of the ideas within it can be adapted for use with younger learners.

If you are a Dyslexia Guild member and would like to access this free toolkit, please do not hesitate to contact us

If you would like to join The Dyslexia Guild, please see here

Please note

 This will not be recognised as CPD for ADG FE/HE provisional membership status ie. for those who have not yet completed The Certificate in Supporting Adults with Dyslexia and Co-occurring Difficulties (DACRT56), but may be suitable CPD for qualified Guild members’ to add to their CPD Log (total 4 hours, no certificate is provided).

The Effective SEN Support Provision – Middle Leaders course is live!

Middle Leaders Course

Our parent company Real Group in conjunction with Real Training are pleased to announce that a brand new Effective SEN Support Provision – Middle Leaders course, created in partnership with Whole School SEND is now live – and all educators can access it free of charge!

This course is aimed at current and aspiring middle leaders who want to develop, embed and enact new skills in SEN support and provision.

You can learn more about the Middle Leaders course and how it could benefit your teams by accessing the dedicated page here

Please note: The Effective SEN Support Provision – Middle Leaders courses free course is not recognised as CPD for ADG FE/HE Dyslexia Guild members who have not yet completed
The Certificate in Supporting Adults with Dyslexia and Co-occurring Difficulties (DACRT56) but may be suitable CPD for qualified Guild members.

How this course benefits participants and their schools?

By completing this free CPD course, delegates will be able to:

• Understand how middle leaders can support strategic SEND provision while identifying opportunities to coordinate with other leaders in the school #

• Consider how effectively whole school approaches are implemented in their subject area

• Reflect on how line management can support effective SEND provision.

• Identify strategies and resources to support colleagues, including early career teachers, within a department to develop their practice

• Reflect on how subject-specific content can be presented to pupils with SEND

• Consider how assessment and tracking can support the identification of pupils with SEND

• Assess the learning environment for pupils with different needs, then identify and implement key strategies and resources that will support them

How is the course delivered and how long does it take?

The Effective SEN Support Provision – Middle Leaders course is delivered fully online and should take most current or aspiring middle leaders no more than 15 hours. The great news is you’ll be able to access the course for 12 months, so you can enjoy the course at a time, place and pace which works for you. However, there is no time like the present to continue to develop your inclusive leadership skills and knowledge.

Are you looking to apply for or renew your Assessment Practising Certificate (APC)?  

Assessment Practising Certificate (APC)Renew or gain an Assessment Practising Certificate (APC)

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is essential for specialist teachers, assessors, and practitioners; it helps you to stay at the forefront of information in the field by updating your knowledge and professional practice. We have recently updated our Applying for and Renewing an Assessment Practising Certificate DAAPCONL online course, suitable for those looking to renew or gain an Assessment Practising Certificate (APC).  The course will detail new developments in diagnostic reporting and include materials and guidance based on the new SASC report format (mandatory from Summer 2020).

What are the benefits of applying for an Assessment Practising Certificate (APC)?

An APC is a licence to practice for those carrying out assessments in schools for Exam Access Arrangements and in colleges for the Disabled Students’ Allowance. Many schools and college employers also now require their specialist teaching or support staff to obtain an APC.

Who can apply for this course?

Candidates should normally be qualified specialist assessors with a Level 7 Postgraduate Diploma or equivalent, and be familiar with diagnostic assessment report writing. Eligible and current guild members can save £10 on the course fee.

Why study with Dyslexia Action Training?

Dyslexia Action Training is a SASC Authorised CPD Provider. Twelve learning hours, of which five hours of the total learning hours for this course are recognized and accredited by SASC as fulfilling, in part, the (minimum) 20 CPD hours required over three years that contribute towards gaining or renewing an APC.

When and how can I apply for this course?

Our next intake is 20 November 2019 (register before 6 November) and other dates include January, March and May 2020. 

£205 +VAT for Non-Guild Members paying online by debit/credit card at the time of registration.

£195 +VAT for Guild Members paying online by debit/credit card at the time of registration.

To apply for the course, please complete an online booking form on our website here.

Amnesty/Grand-parenting route from March 2019 – March 2020 only

For a limited period qualified and practising specialist teacher assessors with a full level 7 qualification in assessment (e.g. the Professional Certificate in Assessment Practice (Middlesex University) or the Postgraduate Diploma in Dyslexia and Literacy (York) who have not previously applied for, or held, an Assessment Practising Certificate will be able to obtain an APC by completing an application form and uploading a copy of their qualification certificate. The fee is £180 and includes the SASC listing fee of £30 see here Assessment Practising Certificate – APC read our brochure under ‘Download further information’ and apply directly under ‘How much does it cost and how to apply?’

I already hold an Assessment Practising Certificate (APC), do you offer other courses for SpLD Specialist Teachers or Assessors?

Dyslexia Action Training and Real Training offer a range of courses for qualified SpLD specialist teacher assessors to update their knowledge and skills in specialist assessment for SpLD. A list of all the qualifications we offer for specialist SpLD teachers and assessors can be found here

Should you need any further information regarding our CPD Level 7 Courses for SpLD  professionals do give us a call on 01784 222304 or email us at 

Registrations open for Real Training’s Free Access Arrangements Update course

 Free Access Arrangements Update course
Real Training, our sister company, will organise for the second consecutive year a free Access Arrangements Update course.

Having said that, we’re happy to be able to share two pieces of great news at the start of the summer term.

Registrations are now open for this autumn’s free Access Arrangements Update course. Secondly – having taken on board feedback from some of last year’s delegates who need to maintain SASC CPD – we’ve now registered the course with SASC and those completing the course now benefit from three SASC-accredited CPD hours.

If you want to read more about it, access this link. To book your place, please complete this online registration form.

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