Dyslexia Action Training are delighted to announce the launch of their validated Master of Education: Professional Practice in Dyslexia and Literacy and its related programmes.
This online distance learning programme was developed and is delivered and assessed, by Dyslexia Action Training.
Dyslexia Action’s validated Postgraduate Programme is awarded and quality assured by Middlesex University. The Postgraduate Certificate and Diploma programmes are also recognised by several professional SpLD membership bodies for accredited specialist teacher/practitioner/assessor status (subject to approval).
Our next cohort starts in April 2022. Read more here.
How is Dyslexia Action’s validated Postgraduate Programme delivered?
The MEd Professional Practice programmes use the VLE Moodle and will allow candidates to benefit from expert tutor support through forums and connect with their peers.
Learn whilst you study, with our practice-led approach helping embed your new theoretical knowledge in your real-world circumstances. Some of the six-month modules may also require you to be involved in practical teaching and assessment whilst others are more theoretically based.
The core curriculum is delivered by means of a range of e-learning resources. These include presentations, articles, exercises, videos and follow-up activities and tasks for participants to carry out at intervals.
There is no attendance required for this course or expectations to be online at specific times for ‘live’ learning. This gives candidates the flexibility to organise their study time around professional and personal commitments.
Other benefits
Exclusive access to the Dyslexia Action Literacy Programme (DALP), a comprehensive specialist literacy programme for SpLD Specialist Teachers. DALP provides a pathway for learners with literacy difficulties of all ages, through individual placement identification
Candidates will automatically become student members of The Dyslexia Guild for the first year of their course while they are actively studying on a Professional Certificate or Diploma Programme with Dyslexia Action.
Would you like to become a member of the Dyslexia Guild? Join now to attend at the member rate. Full details can be found here.